The IMS Learning Design Engine

Release Notes

Version 3.3 (2009-12-02)

This version:

Version 3.2 (2008-11-14)

This version:

Version 3.1 (2007-03-30)

This version:

Version 3.0 (2005-12-15)

This version:

Version 2.2.4 (2005-09-28)

This version:

Version 2.2.3 (2005-07-20)

This version:

Version 2.2.2 (2005-02-11)

This version:

Version 2.2.1 (2005-01-24)

This version:

Version 2.2 (2004-12-14)

This version:

Version 2.1 (2004-11-24)

This version:

But due to the nature of some bugs the database schema and the LDCourseManager api had to be changed. Therefore we advise people using CopperCore in conjunction with the Jisc funded SLeD player to use the previous 2.0 version.

Version 2.0 (2004-11-02)

The first major upgrade of CopperCore since its initial release. Its major new features are:

Amongst the minor enhancements are:

Version 1.0 (2004-02-06)

This is the first release of CopperCore, a J2EE engine capable of handling IMS Learning Design level A.