The IMS Learning Design Engine

Compile CopperCore from the Source Code

This section describes how the CopperCore sources can be compiled. CopperCore (the CopperCore engine) and CopperCoreSoap (the CopperCore SOAP interfaces) are two separate packages that need to be compiled separately.

CopperCoreSoap is only needed when calling the CopperCore engine via the SOAP protocol. In order to successfully compile CopperCoreSoap you must build CopperCore first.

Both packages and the API documentation can be build with the provided build files.


To build both packages make sure you have the following software installed.

OS Windows 2000/XP or Linux
Java JDK Sun Java 2 Standard Edition Software Development Kit 1.4.x (J2SE v 1.4.x SDK)
JBOSS AS JBoss Application Server 3.2.6
Ant Jakarta Ant 1.6
Components The java UUID generator 1.0.3
Jakarta Commons fileUpload

For building CopperCoreSoap you need the following additional component.

Components AXIS 1.2

Building the sources

Download the latest version of the source code from the download page.

Both source code packages come in two two versions. The zip file is intended for the Windows platform whereas the tar.gz file is intended for the Unix (Linux, Mac OS X) platform. Both versions contain the exact same files, but in the Unix tar.gz packages the shell script files have been assigned execute rights.

After downloading the packages unzip them into a working folder.

To build CopperCore:

Modify the build script. The build script is located in <working folder>/coppercore/build and is called build.bat for the Windows platform or for the Linux platform. Edit the script file so the paths to the components are correct.

Start the build by launching either build.bat or

This build will result in:

To build CopperCoreSoap you need to:

Make sure you built the CopperCore package first.

Modify the CopperCoreSoap build script. The build script is located in <working folder>/soap/build and is called build.bat for the Windows platform or for the Linux platform. Edit the script file so the paths to the components are correct.

Start the build by launching either build.bat or

This build will result in: