Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Annotation |
id | xs:string | required | | | documentation | The identifier of the property. |
data-type | xs:token | required | | | documentation | Datatype of the property. |
property-of | xs:token | optional | | | documentation | Indicates the scope of the property. When value is 'self', then the value of the property using the property is referenced. When value is 'supported-person', then the properties of all persons selected are referenced. |
view | xs:token | optional | | | documentation | Indicates whether only property-value (value) or property title and property value (title-value) needs to be displayed. In a propertygroup also the title of the property group is displayed. |
ref | xs:string | required | | | documentation | Refers to the identifier of the property definition in the learning design. |
owner-id | xs:string | required | | | documentation | Userid of either the current user (in case of property-of=self) or the supported person |
uol-id | xs:string | required | | | documentation | The database identifier of the uol in which the property definition is made. This is not necessarely the same as the current uol id. This is especially the case for global properties |
run-id | xs:string | | | | documentation | The database identifier of the current run in case it is a local property. |
href | xs:string | | | | documentation | Refers to the href attribute of the property definition in the learning design. |